Comprehensive 2025 Review Of The Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain

February 10, 2021 // 7 minutes read

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Smart Solar 20622R01 Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain

A Solar Fountain With Impressive Features. It’s Attractive, Resilient, Functionally Designed, And Has The Best Hidden Underwater Solar Panel For Your Liking.

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As my readers can attest, I work diligently to provide the most poignant information possible to help you on your journey. My main focus remains as strong as it did on the day that I started this blog.

This is a big benefit to you, my reader. Today, I’ll tell you all about the Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain.

First off, I consider it the Best Underwater Solar Panel Bird Bath because the panel is hidden so well that you’ll hardly even notice it’s there.

And I matched this product up against 7 different bird baths that I’ve also reviewed.

I focused my review in the following areas:

  • Material
  • Design
  • Cleaning
  • Assembly
  • Power Output
  • Aesthetics

I chose these categories because they’re the most critical areas to learn about when choosing a solar bird bath.

Want to learn how this product stacks up against the competition? Keep reading to discover the truth.

Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain Review Highlights

Power Output


Ease of Cleaning

Ease of Assembly


  • Weight: 20 pounds
  • Construction: GFRC
  • Color: Stone
  • Dimensions: 21” x 21” x 29”
  • Installation Type: Pedestal
  • Manufacturer: Smart Solar

Overall Score


Bottom Line:
All in all, it’s an excellent choice for anyone looking for a beautiful fountain birdbath that doesn’t require being plugged into a power source. It’s free to operate, easy to use, and as long as you have it in direct sunlight the fountain will run in a beautiful fluid motion.

What’s Good

  • No wiring necessary
  • The sun is its power source
  • Sturdily build
  • Hidden pump and solar panel
  • Low maintenance

What’s Bad

  • Direct sunlight required
  • Heavy for some people
  • Excess sunlight wears away the finish

Our Verdict: Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain

How do you feel when you gaze upon your backyard?

Are you overwhelmed by the beauty and joy of gorgeous birds swimming in your brand-new birdbath?


Are you gazing upon a barren, desolate picture with very little bird wildlife, if any?

It’s time to create a new vision. It’s time to create the backyard aviary that you’ve always dreamed about.

And guess what?

It all begins with finding the perfect solar birdbath fountain for your home.

On the one hand, you need a solar birdbath that really makes your property come to life. Solar panels are wonderful because they power a life-affirming fountain. And other benefits might include no operating costs, no wiring, and recycled water.

Believe it or not, I’ve spent 12 hours testing the product that I reviewed today. And I’ve devoted more than 30 hours to research/testing on 7 different other solar birdbaths.

And what did I learn?

I found out that each of these birdbaths possesses its own value. Basically, you’ll use your preferences to decide on the best solar fountain for your backyard.

As mentioned, I’m reviewing the Best Underwater Solar Panel Bird Bath right now as I take a deep dive in my research to learn more about the Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain.

Stay with me to uncover the truth within the rest of this review.

Related: A Buying Guide To The Best Solar Bird Baths

Our Analysis, Comparisons & Test Results

Let’s now take a moment to refocus on analyzing, comparing, and sharing test results for this product. And just as important, I will tell you how it compares to the others that I’ve also thoroughly tested and reviewed.

As you can surmise, I put a lot of time and effort into learning about, researching, and testing the products that I share with you. That’s why I feel confident that you’ll benefit tremendously from my results.

I hope you feel the same way.

As a reminder, I broke this review down to 6 critical categories including design, power output, ease of assembly, ease of cleaning, material, and aesthetics.

Do you want to know how well the Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain measures up to the other products that I reviewed? I’m going to share this information and more about each of these categories below.

Not only will this provide greater insight into the product, it will help you see how it measures up to the other products to make an informed decision when making your final choice.

Power Output

I rated this product 94 out of 100 in the category Power Output. Believe it or not, each of the products that I recommended excels pretty well in this category.

So, a 94 out of 100 is actually 4th place!

Why do I feel this solar fountain deserves this score?

For starters, I couldn’t give it a 10 out of 10 because it doesn’t have a battery backup. The only way to operate this solar fountain is in direct sunlight.


Just because it needs direct sunlight, this doesn’t mean it’s a bad product. In fact, this is an excellent product and it has a well-deserved impeccable reputation.

Remember, because it requires direct sunlight, the solar fountain isn’t going to work at night. For some people, this is an absolute deal breaker.

Think about it…

Do you really need to see the solar fountain working at night? Odds are, there aren’t too many birds swimming in your solar birdbath in the dark. They’re up in a tree or in a birdhouse sleeping somewhere.

So, in my humble estimation, a 9 out of 10 for a solar fountain that operates in direct sunlight is a great score for a great product.

How the Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain stacks up in the power output ratings:

Solar Lamp Post Bird Bath

SmartSolar Solar Birdbath

OKMEE Solar Fountain

Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain

Outdoor Glass Solar Birdbath with Metal Stand

Solar Pedestal Bird Bath Fountain

Solar Glass Garden Bird Bath

Solar Hanging Bird Bath


In the category titled Design, I awarded this product an 85 out of 100. But it’s important to know that for everyone, beautiful designs are in the eye of the beholder.

Overall, the 85 out of 100 puts this solar fountain bird bath in a tie for 5th place. Although 5th place is certainly lower on the list, it doesn’t mean this birdbath is unattractive.

On the contrary…

I personally like the overall design. Even though it’s made of glass fiber reinforced concrete, the product actually looks like it’s made of stone.

If you’re anything like me, you truly appreciate the way stonework looks in an outdoor setting. It almost seems like it belongs in a Roman Colosseum or the Greek Parthenon or another place famous for its gorgeous stonework.


The birdbath doesn’t weigh 150 pounds because it isn’t actually made of stone. So that’s an added bonus that definitely makes this a powerful design.

Another great part of the design is where the solar panel is located. The panel is located underwater along with the pump system and water recycler.

By keeping these internal mechanisms from view, it helps add additional beauty to the birdbath fountain because these functional mechanisms aren’t noticeable in plain sight.

How the Country Gardens Solar Bird Bath Fountain stacks up in the design ratings:

Outdoor Glass Solar Birdbath with Metal Stand

Solar Glass Garden Bird Bath

SmartSolar Solar Birdbath

Solar Pedestal Bird Bath Fountain

Solar Lamp Post Bird Bath

Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain

OKMEE Solar Fountain

Solar Hanging Bird Bath

Ease of Cleaning

In our next category, Ease of Cleaning, I awarded the Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain with an 83 out of 100 rating. This overall rating leaves it tied for 4th place amongst the 8 total products that I reviewed.

Why did I only score it with an 83 out of 10?

On the surface, this birdbath is relatively easy to clean. But there are a few obstacles in the way that make it less simple.

Take the weight as an example.

Did you know that this birdbath weighs 20 pounds? For some people, that’s relatively heavy and difficult to maneuver, move around, and tip over to drain out.

This could create problems for anyone looking to simply drain the bird fountain, wipe it down, and then scrub it with soap and water.

But that’s not all…

As mentioned, this birdbath also has an internal solar panel and water pump system that will also need to be cleaned from time to time.

So, you’ll have to disassemble sections of the birdbath to get to the water pump and solar panel to properly clean it. This requires additional work on your part, which is why I knocked a few points off of the total score.

How the Solar Bird Bath Fountain stacks up in the ease of cleaning ratings:

SmartSolar Solar Birdbath

Solar Glass Garden Bird Bath

OKMEE Solar Fountain

Outdoor Glass Solar Birdbath with Metal Stand

Solar Lamp Post Bird Bath

Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain

Solar Pedestal Bird Bath Fountain

Solar Hanging Bird Bath

Ease of Assembly

For Ease of Assembly, I gave the Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain a perfect 90 out of 100. It lands in a tie for 2nd place with one other solar birdbath.

Why am I so fond of the way this product is assembled?

Simply put, the assembly is so simple that just about anybody can do it.

The only reason they may struggle is if the top half of the fountain is too heavy for a single person to screw it onto the base. Otherwise, the assembly is completed very quickly without any difficulty at all.

On the other hand…

You’ll need to remove the solar panel from time to time to clean it. This requires minor disassembly and reassembly, but it’s relatively easy so there’s nothing to fear.

How the Country Gardens Solar Bird Bath Fountain stacks up in the ease of assembly ratings:

SmartSolar Solar Birdbath

Outdoor Glass Solar Birdbath with Metal Stand

Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain

Solar Hanging Bird Bath

OKMEE Solar Fountain

Solar Glass Garden Bird Bath

Solar Lamp Post Bird Bath

Solar Pedestal Bird Bath Fountain


This product is ranked 90 out of 100 in the category Aesthetics. But overall, it’s actually tied for 5th place out of 8 products.

Is this a good rating?

I feel it fits perfectly in the 5th place slot. The design is very simple and the artwork is muted by the stone coloring. This definitely makes this fountain less attractive than some of the other more colorful bird baths that I’ve recently reviewed.


It’s still very attractive in its own simple and understated way.

And as I said before, you may personally love the look of stonework and really appreciate the overall stonelike design features because they certainly look aesthetically pleasing.

And let’s not forget about the fountain itself.

When the solar birdbath is in direct sunlight, water springs up straight from the fountain. The stronger the sunlight, the more powerful the fountain will be.

If it’s a rainy or cloudy day, the fountain will not likely work because it will not get enough direct sunlight. The same holds true for nighttime usage.

Overall, the stonework look and beautiful water fountain make this a very attractive solar birdbath.

How the Country Gardens Bird Bath Fountain stacks up in the aesthetics ratings:

Outdoor Glass Solar Birdbath with Metal Stand

Solar Glass Garden Bird Bath

Solar Lamp Post Bird Bath

SmartSolar Solar Birdbath

Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain

Solar Pedestal Bird Bath Fountain

Solar Hanging Bird Bath

OKMEE Solar Fountain

Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain FAQs

Will The Water Pump Keep Running Even If The Fountain Doesn’t Contain Any Water?

This is a great question!

Unfortunately, I have to give you an unhappy answer. But the answer is important nonetheless.

This water pump will continue pumping even if there isn’t any water in the fountain. This is not a good thing at all. In fact, your pump is liable to burn out if you have it continuously pumping without any water in the fountain.

What does this mean?

It means you have to stay on top of the water situation. Check on the fountain every day to make sure there’s enough water in it. If not, remember to add more to keep the fountain pumping effectively for many months and years to come.

Is It Possible To Buy A Replacement Solar Pump If The Original Pump Breaks?

Yes, it’s definitely possible to get a replacement solar pump if you happen to break the original pump that it came with when you purchased it.

How can you get your hands on a replacement?

This is the easiest part of all. You can get a replacement by purchasing one directly from the manufacturer. And the name of the manufacturer is Smart Solar.

Unlike some companies that make this difficult, Smart Solar is very happy to provide their customers with replacement parts like solar pumps, solar panels, and more.

You can find out more about buying replacement parts on their website. Or if you prefer, you can contact them directly by calling 813-343-5775.

Does The Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain Prevent The Water From Freezing In The Cold?

Regrettably, the solar panel doesn’t provide any direct measure of heating for the water. The solar energy is used to power the water pump and nothing more.

So, having a solar panel within this fountain birdbath will not prevent the water from freezing. It would’ve been a nice feature to add, but it isn’t part of the design.

As a matter of fact:

According to their product listing on a popular online retailer, this birdbath will definitely suffer from frost and freezing damage.

Their overall recommendation is simple…

If the temperature drops below 39°F or 4°C, you should empty out the solar fountain and completely drain it of water. Not only that, you should bring it into a dry and cool location like your garage or backyard shed.

Otherwise, the birdbath could potentially suffer from unnecessary freezing or frost related damage.

Our Final Verdict: Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain

Before we go, I’d like to thank you for devoting a portion of your day to reading this review. I’m glad you trust my opinions and recommendations.

It makes me happy to know that you value my research.

With that said, I personally like the Country Gardens Solar Birdbath Fountain very much. The glass fiber reinforced concrete looks like beautiful stonework, which makes this functional fountain even more appealing.

But that’s not all…

This birdbath is really impressive because of its effective power output, functional design, and ease of assembly.

As a matter of fact, some of the other reasons why I think this is such a great product include:

  • It’s lightweight enough to easily maneuver yet heavy enough that it won’t fall over due to the slightest gust of wind
  • It runs on solar power so it never needs to be plugged into a power outlet
  • Its solar panel is hidden directly underwater, which is why I consider this product to the Best Underwater Solar Panel Bird Bath
  • It’s easy to assemble by simply screwing the bird bath bowl directly to the base

Are you on the verge of buying a brand-new solar birdbath for your backyard? You may benefit tremendously by reading about the other solar fountains that I recommend. You can find out more information about them in my review titled: A Buying Guide To The Best Solar Birdbaths

Amazon Best Rated Products - Last Updated on 2025-03-13. DISCLAIMER: Some or all of the product links on this page are affiliate links. The operator of this website received a small commission if you purchase products through these links, HOWEVER, there is no added cost to you. These commissions help to fund the operation of this

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