C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough: Best No-Melt Suet Dough

November 15, 2021 // 9 minutes read

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C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough
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A Tantalizing And Delightful Treat For Bluebirds, Woodpeckers, And Others. This Freshly Packed Suet Pleases Their Taste Buds And Drives Backyard Birds Wild With Anticipation.

You never know what to expect.

One moment, your property is swarming with beautiful backyard birds. Woodpeckers, nuthatches, brown creepers, and the rest are flying around, hopping from branch to branch, and ultimately having a grand old time.

The next moment:

They’re gone. Poof! Nowhere to be seen.

What happened to all of the gorgeous birds congregating in your backyard?

If I had to guess, I’d say your feeders finally ran out of suet dough! And now that the birds have had their fill, they moved on to their next stop.

Believe it or not, this fictional scenario could be yours someday. And the best way to achieve this dream is to begin offering your favorite wild birds the Best No-Melt Suet for Summer.

According to my research, I discovered that C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough is the best of its kind for this type of product.

How did I figure this out? 

I researched 3 products and then ran a simple test and analysis to determine the winner. During the testing and research phase, I discovered how each product performed as far as the following categories are concerned:

  • Energy
  • Messiness
  • Taste & Enjoyment
  • Freshness
  • Nutrient Quality
  • Ease of Consumption

Care to see how I finally concluded that C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough is the Best No-Melt Suet for Summer? Stick with me a little while longer to learn the truth.

C&S Mealworm No-Melt Suet Dough

Nutrient Quality
Taste & Enjoyment
  • Weight: 16 pounds
  • Feeder Type: Tube, Hopper, Platform
  • Dimensions: 3.8” x 20.6” x 13.4”
  • Attracts: Sparrows, Jays, Cardinals
  • Brand: Wagner’s

Overall Score:


The Bottom Line:

All in all, I consider this product a wonderful choice from C&S Products Company, a well-respected brand. I’ve deemed it the Best No-Melt Suet for Summer because the birds seem to enjoy the flavor, it has lots of potent nutrients, and it’s always fresh and delivers a great deal of energy to my favorite winged wildlife.

What’s Good

  • Dehydrated mealworms for freshness
  • Energy boosting sunflower meal base
  • No melt formula
  • Very little mess
  • Very little waste

What’s Bad

  • Slightly expensive
  • Some birds avoid it
  • Squirrels like it

Our Verdict: C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough 

This product really stood out in the crowd while testing and reviewing three different types of suet dough. It’s high-quality, high-energy, and great tasting suet that the birds can’t seem to put down.

They empty my feeders so quickly that it’s hard to keep up!

What makes this formula so special?

First of all, each package is brimming with an overabundance of mealworms that the birds on my property seem to enjoy to no end. It’s amazing how often I have to refill my bird feeders because my winged friends wolf down this suet so quickly.

But there’s another important thing to consider…

Believe it or not, the mealworms are delivered to you dehydrated. This may seem like the worms will get dry and stale but nothing could be further from the truth.

As a matter of fact, I prefer dehydrated mealworms.

Do you want to know why? I like them because the dehydrating process keeps all of the healthy nutrients intact. This means the birds are receiving the healthiest meal possible that I can give them.

And another thing.

I like this product because it also contains roasted peanuts, sunflower seeds, rendered beef suet, oats, and corn. The combination of these ingredients provides a tremendous boost of energy because of the healthy fats, protein, and fiber in this recipe.

That’s not all.

The final piece of the puzzle that really puts this suet dough over the top is that it’s part of a no melt formula.

I know, I know… 

Does the product actually do what it claims?

I can tell you with certainty that it does. I placed this suet dough in my feeders in the middle of the summer when it was really hot outside and I didn’t experience any melting at all.

I’d be willing to bet that if you bought it, your suet dough wouldn’t melt all over the place either, which I’m really glad I can say with certainty.

New more information for other bird food options to place in your backyard feeders? Check out our top 10 favorites…

Our Analysis, Comparisons & Test Results

To get a good feel for a particular type of product, I usually try out more than one of each option during the initial testing.


It makes it easier to see which one is the best if I test more than one product at the same time. 

As an example, in this case I tested C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough,


  • Morning Song Cherry Pie Suet Dough
  • Suet Plus No Melt Suet Cakes

And after evaluating each product for two weeks, I gathered a lot of information that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I determined things like:

  • The suet dough that the birds considered their favorite
  • The suet dough that created the least mess
  • The suet dough that the birds found simplest to consume

And I even picked up a few other things along the way. 

Let’s see what else I learned below.


This category is crucial, so I’m happy I gave C&S Mealworm Suet Dough the best possible score that I can give it, which is a 100 out of 100.

Why such a high rating?

The ingredients in the product are conducive to providing wild birds with ample energy.

This formula contains rendered beef fat, sunflower seeds, and mealworms all rolled into one. The recipe contains ingredients that give outdoor birds a great deal of energy after they consume this product.

And I’m happy to say that it’s very healthy for them too.

How the C&S Mealworm No-Melt Suet Dough stacks up in the energy ratings:

Wagner’s Black Oil Sunflower Seed
Kaytee Nyjer Seed Bird Food
Kimoe Mealworms
Wildlife Sciences Suet
C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough
Wild Delight Safflower Seed
Wagner’s Cracked Corn
Cole’s White Millet Bird Seed
Wagner’s Deluxe Blend Wild Bird Food
Lyric Peanut Pieces


For the Freshness category, I gave this item an almost perfect score of 95 out of 100. But in reality, I also would’ve felt comfortable giving it a perfect 100.

What made me take away 5 points?

Even though I believe dehydrating mealworms preserve their nutrients, it also dries out the food to a degree. Birds don’t seem to mind this at all, so I guess it really isn’t a big deal.

But ultimately, when I think of eating something fresh, I usually think of eating something very juicy. Then again, oats and sunflower seeds are dry and I could definitely consider them fresh, so my logic doesn’t hold up perfectly.

At the end of the day, I can say with absolute certainty that this product was very fresh every time I opened a new package. And I never read about any complaints online either, which makes this no melt suet a big winner in my book.

How the C&S Mealworm No-Melt Suet Dough stacks up in the freshness ratings:

Wagner’s Deluxe Blend Wild Bird Food
C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough
Wagner’s Black Oil Sunflower Seed
Wild Delight Safflower Seed
Wildlife Sciences Suet
Lyric Peanut Pieces
Cole’s White Millet Bird Seed
Kaytee Nyjer Seed Bird Food
Kimoe Mealworms
Wagner’s Cracked Corn


For Messiness, I also gave this product an incredibly respectable rating of 90 out of 100. Although it’s not perfect, I didn’t actually rate any of the products in this category above a 90, so this score is technically the best it gets.

Why a 90 out of 100?

No matter how hard you try, every bird food or seed leaves behind some type of a mess. But some messes are much smaller than others.

Guess what?

The mess that C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough leaves behind is minimal at best. You may notice small crumbs on the floor below the wire feeder but that’s about it.

Obviously this is something that I absolutely love. It’s as close to perfect as you’re ever going to get.

And if you wait long enough, the squirrels or raccoons that skulk around your backyard during the day and night may end up eating the crumbs for you.

In this case, you’ll have nothing to clean up and nothing to worry about!

How the C&S Mealworm No-Melt Suet Dough stacks up in the messiness ratings:

Kaytee Nyjer Seed Bird Food
Wagner’s Deluxe Blend Wild Bird Food
Wild Delight Safflower Seed
Wildlife Sciences Suet
C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough
Wagner’s Black Oil Sunflower Seed
Kimoe Mealworms
Lyric Peanut Pieces
Wagner’s Cracked Corn
Cole’s White Millet Bird Seed

Nutrient Quality

The Nutrient Quality category is another critical area where this C&S No Melt Suet Dough really outshines the competition. So, I gave the product an 80 out of 100 ranking.

The nutrient breakdown is as follows:

  • 24% Fat
  • 11% Protein
  • 12% Fiber

This breakdown is excellent, which I hope you can see. It provides all of the necessary amounts of fiber, fat, and protein to help birds lead healthy and strong lives.

Because of the dehydration process, I decided to knock 20 points off of the score since there is no moisture content in this package whatsoever.

Is moisture critical? Technically it isn’t because the birds can just take a drink of water to resolve their hydration needs.


The best products – besides the ones that are dehydrated – tend to have a healthy amount of moisture and water content in the product as well.

Just so you know, the Suet Plus No Melt Suet Cakes from St. Albans Bay does have roughly 10% moisture in its product and it also has a healthy nutrient profile.

Technically speaking, the St. Albans Bay product is a little bit better than C&S mealworms by a slim margin.

How the C&S Mealworm No-Melt Suet Dough stacks up in the nutrient quality ratings:

Wagner’s Black Oil Sunflower Seed
Kaytee Nyjer Seed Bird Food
Wagner’s Deluxe Blend Wild Bird Food
Wild Delight Safflower Seed
Kimoe Mealworms
Wagner’s Cracked Corn
Lyric Peanut Pieces
Cole’s White Millet Bird Seed
Wildlife Sciences Suet
C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough

Taste & Enjoyment

In the Taste & Enjoyment category, I gave this no melt suet dough a 90 out of 100 rating. And I can tell you that the birds really seemed to love this stuff so much.

And best of all?

Out of the three products that I tested, the birds always devoured C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough faster and with more gusto than Morning Song Cherry Pie Suet Dough or the Suet Plus No Melt Suet Cakes.

Think about it…

The best way to ensure lots of healthy and happy wild birds in your yard is to feed them the best nutrients possible. But they have to be willing to eat the food in order to get the nutrients.

That’s why I believe this product is far superior to the others since the birds couldn’t get enough of it and they gobbled it up so quickly.

How the C&S Mealworm No-Melt Suet Dough stacks up in the taste & enjoyment ratings:

Wagner’s Deluxe Blend Wild Bird Food
Lyric Peanut Pieces
Wagner’s Black Oil Sunflower Seed
Wagner’s Cracked Corn
Cole’s White Millet Bird Seed
C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough
Kaytee Nyjer Seed Bird Food
Wild Delight Safflower Seed
Wildlife Sciences Suet
Kimoe Mealworms

C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough FAQs:

Which Backyard Wild Birds Are Attracted To C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough?

Many common wild birds enjoy the great taste of healthy suet dough. Bird types including pileated woodpeckers, red bellied, hairy, and downy birds seem to really love this formula.

It will attract a wide range of outdoor birds that include: bluebirds, wrens, titmice, northern flickers, starlings, chickadees, thrushes, brown thrashers, blue jays, pine siskins, nuthatches, orioles, brown creepers, and warblers.

Many ground dwelling animals also love the great taste of suet dough, so you have to remember to keep an eye on your bird feeders.

Even better, when you feed C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough to your favorite wild birds, open up a cake and feed it to the squirrels and other ground dwelling animals on the other side of the yard. This way they won’t disturb the birds while they enjoy their tasty treat at your bird feeders.

How Can I Prevent Squirrels From Eating Suet Dough?

This may sound strange since squirrels are constantly eating your suet dough. But believe it or not, they do not actually like the suet. They like the nuts, seeds, oats, fruit, and corn ingredients.

So, there are a few things you can do to keep the squirrels at bay.

First, feed plain suet cakes to your birds. Find a formula that doesn’t contain any fruits, nuts, seeds, oats, or other tasty ingredients. They’ll avoid the rendered beef fat suet cakes altogether.


Second, choose a suet dough product that also contains capsaicin. The squirrels do not like the hot taste at all and they will avoid it like the plague.

A good choice would be suet dough cakes that contain hot pepper.

Last but not least…

Put the feeder inside of a cage that only birds can squeeze into. This will keep the squirrels out and the birds in and they’ll enjoy your tasty suet dough without any squirrel related interruptions.

How Long Does It Take For Suet Dough To Spoil?

When feeding suet dough to backyard birds, you shouldn’t overdo it by placing too much in your feeders. Only leave out enough so the birds can enjoy this tasty treat for a day or two but no longer.

If you keep the suet out for more than two days it will start to go bad. This is especially true if it’s warm outside and the temperatures are hot. The rendered beef fat will start to go rancid quicker when the sun is very hot.

As you can imagine, rancid beef fat is not an attractive option to the birds. Even worse, it’s certainly not healthy for them either.

As a rule, I usually put out enough suet for the birds to enjoy for one day to play it safe. And if I have to add more to my feeder the next morning then that’s what I’ll do.

I also like to keep my suet refrigerated when I’m using it right away. If I have extra cakes that I know I won’t be using, I put them in the freezer to make sure it remains fresh and unspoiled.

Our Final Verdict: C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough

I’m truly ecstatic that you’ve read this review from start to finish. And I’m even more excited about the information that I was lucky enough to share with you today. 

I love backyard birds and I love testing and analyzing new products. In fact, I’m always ready and willing to share my results.

As you can see, I’ve determined that C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough Is the Best No-Melt Suet for Summer. I came to this conclusion after reviewing this well-received product along with two others.

Overall, I decided to give C&S the best product award for a few very specific reasons. They include the following:

  • The no-melt formula really stands up to scrutiny. I put this suet dough in my bird feeders on relatively warm days and its consistency stayed together without melting.
  • A wide range of birds love this brand because they mixed rendered beef fat with fruit, nuts, seeds, and other winged creature favorites. This suet dough is always a big hit.
  • The product is delivered to you dehydrated, so it retains all of its healthy nutrients. And the dehydrated formula helps it to remain fresh as well.

If you’re becoming an avid birdwatcher, you need to begin placing a wide array of bird seeds and bird food in your backyard feeders to attract different kinds of birds. 

You’re in luck because I dedicated months of my life to testing and analyzing bird food types. You can discover the fruits of my labor and learn my top recommendations by reading: Guide To The Best Bird Seed: Birdwatcher’s Helpful Tips

Or to switch things up…

Visit the source directly and learn the current price of C&S Mealworm Delight No Melt Suet Dough and read detailed customer reviews as well by clicking the hyperlink above.

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