Live Eagle Cams: Watch Eagles 24/7 With These 2025 Live Streams

August 13, 2020 // 7 minutes read // 1 Shares

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Live Eagle Cam

I love watching live Eagle cams!

Do you enjoy watching live Eagle cams?

We gathered a wide variety of Eagle live streams so you can watch them all day long. Take a look at these live cams of Eagles on this page.

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Please keep in mind some of the live streams may be off-line, depending on the time of year and the owner. If one of the live streams is off, there is a link to its youtube channel so you can watch the live cam there instead.

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Live Eagle Cam – Decorah, IA

This bald eagle nest is located in Decorah, Iowa. The previous nest in this location was destroyed, and the eagles that lived there were not spotted for a long time. A team reconstructed the nest, and the eagles returned! Watch the eagles raising their young on this live cam.

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

Interesting Facts About Eagles

  • Eagles typically live up to 20 years old. The oldest known eagle was from New York and lived to 38 years old.
  • Eagles can fly very fast, up to 30 miles per hour.
  • The Bald Eagle, a type of eagle, is the national bird of the United States of America.
  • Bald Eagles are not actually bald. The feathers on their heads are white and contrasted with their dark brown bodies, their heads look “bald”.
  • Eagles live near bodies of water like lakes, rivers, coasts, and marshes.
  • Eagles mainly eat fish, but they will also eat small mammals and gulls.
  • Eagles have been seen playing with plastic bottles and other objects for fun.
  • Sometimes eagles take fish from other birds, like ospreys, instead of catching their own. They wait until an osprey drops their fish or they just steal it right from their talons.
  • Eagles have talons that help them catch their prey, such as fish.
  • Eagles can survive many days without eating. Sometimes they eat a lot of food one day and digest it throughout the next few days.
  • Eagles do not get their distinct brown and white coloring until they are four or five years old.
  • Bald eagles are most abundant in Canada and Alaska, but they live all over North America.

Live Eagle Cam – Catalina Island, CA

This live cam is on Catalina Island which sits 22 miles off the coast of southern California. Bald eagles love this location because of the island’s rocky cliffs which are perfect for nesting. Take a look at to find out the best times to watch live and learn more about bald eagles.

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

Eagle FAQs

  • How big are eagles? Eagles are one of the largest birds in North America. Their wingspan is about six feet wide and they weigh anywhere from 7 to 14 pounds. Their body is about 34 to 43 inches long. Female eagles weigh more than males.
  • What do eagles eat? Eagles mainly eat fish from coastal and freshwater. Common fish they eat are herring, salmon, herring, and shad. If fish are not available, eagles will eat other small animals, like other birds and mammals. Young eagles are fed by their parents.
  • Where do eagles live? Eagles live in North America. They spend a lot of time near water because that is where they get their food from. Eagles can be seen year-round in Alaska, along the east and west coasts of America, in the Rocky Mountains, and along the Mississippi River.
  • How do eagles catch fish? Eagles find a perch near water to look for fish or they fly above the water. Once they see a fish they can catch, they fly down to the water and use their feet and talons to catch it.
  • How many eggs does an eagle lay? A female eagle typically lays two eggs each breeding season. The eggs are an off white color. It takes just over a month for the eggs to hatch. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs, and the one that is not incubating the egg looks for food or nesting materials. When the eggs hatch, about a month later, the eagles are covered in light gray down.
  • Are eagles endangered? Eagles are not endangered, but bald eagles are protected under federal laws and regulations. In the 1950s, the number of eagles began to decline because of the use of the pesticide DDT. But, the number of eagles was able to rise again with conservation efforts in the United States.
  • How fast can eagles fly? Eagles can fly up to 30 miles per hour. They like to fly high in the sky and soar around.
  • Where do eagles make their nests? Eagles build their nests in high places like in tall trees or on cliffs. If a tall place is not available to build a nest, they will build nests with anything that is available like driftwood or branches on the ground.
  • Do eagles have any predators? Adult eagles do not have any natural predators. Eagle eggs and young eagles are susceptible to predators like birds of prey and larger mammals.
  • Are bald eagles actually bald? No, bald eagles are not actually bald. The feathers on their head are white and in contrast with their dark brown body, it makes their head look bald.
  • Can eagles swim? They are not technically able to swim, but they can “row” in the water by using their wings if necessary. They are much better suited to fly.

Captiva Live Eagle Cam

Window to Wildlife installed this cam 3 years ago and has been maintaining them ever since. Learn more here: and be sure to check out their YouTube Channel here.

Live Eagle Cam – Catalina Island, CA

This is another live cam located on Catalina Island, California. This cam is on the west end of the island. Watch as this lifelong pair of eagle parents lay and protect eggs, feed their chicks, and teach them to fly. Since 1991 this nest has been active and this live cam has been streaming since 2005.

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

How To Identify An Eagle

Eagles are a large bird of prey that lives on the land near bodies of water. There are a few types of eagles, and the most well known is the Bald eagle. Some of the other types of eagles are Golden eagles, Crowned eagles, Harpy eagles, and Steller’s sea eagles.


Location is key when identifying birds. Eagles live all over North America including Canada and the United States. In the spring and summer, eagles nest in the northern United States and Canada. In the fall and winter, eagles migrate to the southern United States where their water and food sources will not be frozen.

Size and Appearance

Identifying an eagle is quite simple. Their head and tail are white, and their body and wings are dark brown. Eagles have a yellow, hooked beak. They are very large birds with a six-foot-wide wingspan. Eagles weigh anywhere from 7 to 14 pounds. They are 27 to 37 inches in length. Female eagles are larger than male eagles.


Eagles do not make a lot of sounds or noise in general. They sometimes make a weak sounding call of high pitched noises. Female eagles make a high pitched sound when they are looking for a partner to mate with.


Eagles are very graceful fliers, and they tend to fly and soar high in the sky. They live in forests near bodies of water where they can catch fish to eat. You can find eagles near lakes, coasts, rivers, and reservoirs in North America. Eagles spend their time flying around, and sometimes they even fly hundreds of miles in just a day.

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