10 Live Osprey Cams: Watch These Amazing Birds 24/7

August 8, 2020 // 9 minutes read

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Check Out These Ten Live Osprey Cams From Around the World

This is the best spot on the Internet to watch a variety of osprey live stream cams!  Below is a compilation of osprey live cams I put together so my readers can watch cams from all around the world.

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Depending on the time of year and the owner, some of the live cams below may be off-line. Some live streams from youtube were not able to be embedded on this live video page. If that was the case, there is a recorded video below and a link to the youtube channel where you can watch the actual live stream.

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#1 – Osprey Cam in Oyster Bay, NY

PSEG Long Island delivers consistent and safe power to its customers all year long. They installed a webcam in a safe nesting area for ospreys which allows a look into the lives of these birds. Safe nesting areas away from electrical infrastructure is vital for the ospreys’ safety and health.

The team at PSEG Long Island and their environmental partners work together to create a safe atmosphere for the ospreys.

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

Interesting Facts About Ospreys

  • Ospreys are a large bird of prey. They are often referred to as a “fish hawk” because they mainly eat fish and are similar in size and features to a hawk.
  • Ospreys typically live about 10 years. Although it’s not uncommon for some to live until they are close to 20 years old.
  • In their lifetime, an osprey may migrate up to 160,000 miles.
  • The oldest known osprey lived to 25 years old. It was found in 1998 in Virginia.
  • Most ospreys live in North America and migrate to South or Central America in the winter. Some ospreys stay in warmer parts of the United States like Florida and California during the winter.
  • Ospreys live near bodies of water like lakes and ponds, and fish are a large part of their diet.

#2 – Barnegat Light, NJ Osprey Live Cam

This is a live view from Barnegat Light in Long Beach Island, New Jersey. The same female has been at this nest for the past two years. Since May 2020, a 14-year-old male has been there as well. The female laid three eggs that hatched at the end of May 2020. This pair of ospreys have nested in this same spot since 2018. Check out this live cam to see what the osprey pair and their young are up to!

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

How To Identify An Osprey

Ospreys are very large birds and are similar in shape and size to a hawk. They are around 20-26 inches long and have a wingspan of five feet. Female ospreys are slightly larger than males. From above ospreys are brown, and from below they are white. Their wings are also white from below, with some brown spots. You’ll often spot an osprey around a body of water (such as ponds, rivers, lakes, and estuaries), circling high in the sky and looking for fish. When an osprey spots a fish, they plunge into the water feet first to catch the fish with their talons. Once they catch it they will fly back to their nest to eat it. Osprey’s nests are usually out in the open, making them easy to spot. They are built on the top of poles or trees, typically near water.

#3 – Loch Arkaig Osprey Cam – Woodland Trust

This live nest camera, supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, has been streaming footage of breeding ospreys from Loch Arkaig Pine Forest since 2017..

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

Osprey FAQs

  • Where do ospreys build their nest? Ospreys build their nests on tall structures like trees, communication towers, or poles. The nests are built in close proximity to bodies of water.
  • Do ospreys return to the same nest each year? Ospreys often return to the same nest year after year. Most of the time they will return in the same pair as well. But sometimes one of the returning ospreys may come back with a different mate.
  • How can you spot an osprey nest? Ospreys make their nests mainly with sticks. They are very large, sometimes they are up to five feet wide. The same nest is used year after year and more materials are added each year. So, the nest gets a little bigger each year.
  • Do ospreys lay eggs? Yes, ospreys lay eggs. They lay one to four eggs each season. The eggs are a cream color with red and brown spots and splotches. An osprey egg takes about 40 days to hatch. Once it hatches, the chick will stay in the nest for around 50 days before leaving for the first time.
  • What do ospreys eat? Fish are the main part of an osprey’s diet. If fish are not available, ospreys will eat small mammals, reptiles, or even birds.
  • Can you tell the difference between male and female ospreys? The main difference between male and female ospreys is that the females are larger. Female ospreys can weigh up to four pounds, while males only weigh two or three pounds. Females also have more brown feathers on their chest.
  • Are ospreys endangered? Ospreys used to be endangered due to the pesticide DDT. Once DDT was banned in the 1970s, the population of ospreys increased back to a normal amount. Since then, ospreys have not been endangered.
  • What other birds are ospreys similar to? Ospreys are similar to hawks and eagles. They get their nickname, the “fish hawk” from their similarities to a hawk.

#4 – Live Osprey Cam In Patchogue, NY

PSEG Long Island delivers consistent and safe power to its customers all year long. They installed a webcam in a safe nesting area for ospreys which allows a look into the lives of these birds. Safe nesting areas away from electrical infrastructure is vital for the ospreys’ safety and health.

The team at PSEG Long Island and their environmental partners work together to create a safe atmosphere for the ospreys.

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

#5 – Osprey Project Live Webcam, Rutland UK


Check out this Manton Bay osprey nest at Rutland Water Nature Reserve in the UK. They have now installed brand new camera equipment capable of providing better views and can zoom, pan, and tilt! And, they made sure the new system incorporates sound, giving a fuller experience and deeper insight into the behavior of breeding ospreys!

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

#6 – Live Osprey Cam in Chesapeake Bay, MD

This osprey live stream is brought to you by EXPLORE. EXPLORE is the largest live nature cam network in the world. Enjoy watching the natural world in real time on our live cams. In this live cam, you can watch the osprey pair, Tom and Audrey. They live near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.

Check out the EXPLORE youtube channel for more raw and unedited live streams of different wildlife all over the planet.

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

#7 – Captiva Osprey Cam

This nest is located on the same property as the Captiva Eagle Nest. Sometimes we will see Connie & Martin stop by the osprey nest. More info on the Osprey pair and their nest coming soon. Plus a more in-depth website!

Learn more about Window to Wildlife here: https://www.windowtowildlife.org/

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

#8 – Charlo, MT Live Osprey Cam

This osprey pair has built a large, comfortable nest on top of a nesting platform in Charlo, Montana. Watch live as they raise their chicks and find out more about this bird on Explore.org

EXPLORE hosts the biggest live nature cam network on the planet. We bring you unedited and raw nature. Watch the natural world as it unfolds live in front of our live cams. EXPLORE takes you all over the world, from Kenya, Africa to the riverbanks of Katmai, Alaska, and everywhere in between.

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

#9 – Ospreys in Missoula, MT

This osprey nest is located at Hellgate Canyon near Missoula, Montana. The nest is right next to a busy parking lot and a highway, but the ospreys do not mind the commotion because they are right near the Clark Fork River. Ospreys thrive near bodies of water since their diet is mainly made up of fish. The female at this nest, named Iris, has been returning to this nest for many years. The same male has been returning with her since 2016.

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

#10 – Audubon Boat House Osprey Nest In Maine

Check out this idyllic osprey habitat from the top of a boat house just across the water from Maine’s Hog Island.

Click here to check out their YouTube channel.

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