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Imagine the possibilities…
You throw back your curtains in the morning and gaze out your window on a gorgeous wintry day. You look over at your bird feeder and discover a group of blue jays diligently munching away on tasty suet balls packed inside the wreath.
These amazing blue jays are obviously enjoying themselves because they can’t seem to get enough of this tasty food. And you get to feel good about your contribution to nature and the wild birds that exist in your community.
Does this scenario seem appealing to you?
It’s more than possible if you install the Pacific Bird & Supply PB-0108 Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder on your property. Based on my research, I recently learned that it’s the Best Combo Wreath Styled Blue Jay Bird Feeder, so it will make a great addition to your backyard.
How did I make this determination?
I tested this product along with 9 other bird feeders over the length of 20 weeks. During this stretch, I analyzed, tested, and compared these bird feeders to one another to see how they stacked up against each other.
My test consisted of focusing on 5 specific categories. The categories that I chose include:
- Cleaning & Care
- Aesthetics
- Durability & Warranty
- Ease of Refilling
- Ease of Installation
Do you want to know how well this blue jay feeder performed? Keep reading to find out the significant details that I discovered during the testing and analysis phase.
Pacific Bird & Supply Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder
- Dimensions: 17 x 12 x 2.75 inches
- Feeder Type: Wreath Feeder
- Capacity: Up to twelve (12) standard-sized suet balls or 1 1/2 pounds of peanuts
- Material: Metal
- Brand: Pacific Bird & Supply Co
Overall Score:
The Bottom Line:
Here’s the deal: there’s a lot to love about this blue jay bird feeder including the fact that its large and holds 12 giant suet balls. It attracts blue jays and many other types of wild birds, it’s decorative and easy to install, and I really think you’re going to like it.What’s Good
- Installation is straightforward
- Holds suet balls and whole peanuts
- Only weighs about 1 pound
- Easy to fill
- Comes with long hook
What’s Bad
- Loses shape with weighted suet balls
- Attracts squirrels
- Attracts other ground dwelling animals
- Cannot feed cracked corn or bird seeds
Our Verdict: Pacific Bird & Supply PB-0108 Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder
Did I end up feeling good about the overall performance of the Pacific Bird & Supply Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder?
Yes, I did.
From the beginning, I instantly noticed how this product looked from an aesthetics standpoint. It may not be the prettiest blue jay bird feeder on the block, but it certainly wasn’t unattractive to say the least.
Even more interesting, many people use this bird feeder for decorative purposes during the holidays. They fill the spiral tube with round decorative ornaments, which you can then hang from a tree, hang on your front door, or anywhere else that’s capable of hanging a hook.
Next, the installation process is pretty simple and straightforward. Find a thick tree branch, a protruding pole, or another structure capable of holding a hook connected to a suet ball feeder. Personally, I was able to hang up this feeder in a matter of minutes and you should have no trouble installing it along the same timeframe as well.

Oddly enough, when you look at the suet wreath at first glance, it doesn’t really seem to be too sturdy or strong. But after using it for a while and thoroughly examining it, I can tell you that the metal wires are very durable and designed to withstand the elements, extra weight, and other potential unexpected burdens. But, it does lose its perfect round shape with weighted suet balls.
Although some might find it difficult at first, refilling the Pacific Bird & Supply Suet Ball Feeder is actually relatively simple. Your best bet is to take it down and then place the suet balls or whole peanuts into the opening in the feeder. It will hold 12 standard sized to large sized suet balls at a time.
Finally, cleaning this suet wreath is a bit tedious but it certainly isn’t too complicated by any stretch of the imagination. It’s a matter of wiping down the individual wires until they are perfectly clean. It doesn’t take much more than that unless you decide to spray it off with a hose.
Believe me when I tell you, the Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder from Pacific Bird & Supply is definitely an excellent investment.
Are you interested in other Blue Jay bird feeder options? Click the button below to check out our comprehensive review of top 10 favorites.
Our Analysis, Comparisons & Test Results
Before we dive into the category specifics…
I’d like to tell you a little bit more about how I approached the analysis, comparisons, and testing portion of these reviews.
I like to keep things simple and I also wanted to give every one of the bird feeders a fair shake. I prefer to review 10 bird feeders at a time and test them for 2 weeks each.
This allows me the opportunity to really test these products and get a good feel for them before I formulate my final opinion based on analysis and legitimate research.
As I mentioned above, I use 5 specific categories during the testing phase. Without taking up any more of your time, we will see how the Pacific Bird & Supply PB-0108 Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder matched up with the rest of the competition.
For the category Aesthetics, I gave the Pacific Bird & Supply Suet Feeder a very average score of 70 out of 100.
It’s not that I think the feeder is unattractive, because I don’t. But there are other blue jay feeders that I tested that are much more pleasant to look at.
Take the Woodlink Deluxe Cedar Bird Feeder as an example.
I ranked this product with a 100 out of 100 perfect score. I think the overall design is amazing, I love the natural beige color, and I appreciate the overall symmetrical design and style that this bird feeder exudes.
On the opposite end:
I gave the Amish Poly Ground Bird Feeder Tray a score of 50 out of 100. Again, I do not think this blue jay feeder is ugly by any means. It’s just not as nice looking as many of the other products that I reviewed.
So, I had to lower the overall score for the Amish bird feeder.
And the same holds true for the Pacific Bird & Supply Feeder.
The overall design is a little strange looking since it’s basically a metal wreath with a spiral wire going through it. I like that they made it green because it blends in with nature and my other outdoor decor.
Otherwise, there really isn’t much more going on with this particular feeder to make it more attractive. I mentioned above that some people put Christmas ornaments inside during the holidays, and that certainly spruces it up.
But you can only do that for a short while. And if you fill it with ornaments then you can’t add suet balls or peanuts, which takes away its original purpose as a bird feeder.
For all I know, you may love this bird feeder’s aesthetic appeal. Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
How the Pacific Bird & Supply PB-0108 Suet Ball Feeder Ring stacks up in the aesthetics ratings:
Ease of Installation
Next, we have the category titled Ease of Installation. In this particular category, I awarded this product with a very good score of 80 out of 100.
Thankfully, I gave the same score to almost every other bird feeder that I tested with the exception of two – the Amish Poly Ground Bird Feeder Tray got a 100 and JCs Wildlife Large Poly Hopper Bird Feeder got a 60.
I’ll spare you the details about the other two bird feeders because you can read all about them in their official reviews on this website.
Personally, I feel the Pacific Bird & Supply Suet Feeder is really easy to install from my own experiences. I did a quick and dirty install that took a few minutes to finish.
I basically hung it up on a nail sticking out of my backyard deck. The nail was very sturdy so I knew it would have no trouble supporting the suet wreath’s weight. And that’s all I really had to do.
You may need to install a hook, or a pole, or something else that you can hang this bird feeder from. Heck, you may even want to loop it over one of the stronger branches in a tree in your backyard.
How the Pacific Bird & Supply Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder stacks up in the ease of installation ratings:
Durability & Warranty
When it comes to the category Durability & Warranty, I honestly felt like this product was a lot more deceiving than it initially appeared. And because of that deception, I can confidently give the Pacific Bird & Supply Suet Ball Feeder a superb 80 out of 100 overall score.
At first glance, this product seems kind of flimsy because it’s made of metal wires and sort of reminds me of a cheap slinky. But after I examined it further, I saw that the metal wires are actually very sturdy and strong and can hold a tremendous amount of weight.
For this product, the ability to hold excess weight is certainly a good thing. Many different types of backyard birds including large blue jays are going to land on the feeder and peck at the suet balls to get a tasty meal whenever possible.
The bird feeder needs to be able to hold additional weight because of the wild birds and animals that will perch on it or jump on it from time to time.
Even squirrels and raccoons will pounce on this bird feeder to get to the tasty suet, and the metal is so sturdy that it will unquestionably hold their weight as well, which is a nice thing to know.
So, I can say that yes, this bird feeder is definitely durable and quite strong as well.
How the Pacific Bird Suet Ball Feeder stacks up in the durability & warranty ratings:
Ease of Refilling
I don’t know about you, but I do not like owning bird feeders that are difficult to refill. This may not matter to you, but it definitely means a lot to me.
And with that said, I gave the Pacific Bird & Supply Suet Feeder and underwhelming score of 60 out of 100.
The Amish Poly Ground Bird Feeder Tray received a 100 out of 100 in this category, and the other bird feeder that tied for last place along with the Pacific Bird & Supply Feeder was the Songbird Essentials Peanut Wreath Feeder.
The Amish feeder is pretty self-explanatory as to why it received a perfect score. It’s a wide-open tray that you can easily refill, empty out, and clean without any obstructions and very little difficulty.
The wire feeders are a different story altogether. Oftentimes these wreath feeders are installed high up in the air, so you’ll need to either climb a ladder and take it down to refill it or stay on a ladder and refill it from there.
I don’t know about you, but I am not very fond of heights. I would prefer keeping my feet on solid ground when I refill the bird feeder!
So, I personally never stay on the ladder, which means I have to climb up the ladder, take the suet wreath down, refill it, climb back up the ladder, and hang it up again.
This can be a serious chore as you can imagine.
Smart people would hang the bird feeder a lot lower to the ground. No one ever said I was smart, unfortunately, so maybe I need to rethink my feeder placement!
How the Pacific Bird & Supply Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder stacks up in the ease of refilling ratings:
Cleaning & Care
For Cleaning & Care, I gave this product a 70 out of 100 overall score. Without really repeating myself, I gave this bird feeder the lowest score of the group for the same reasons that I gave it the lowest score in the Ease of Refilling category.
It can be a real pain in the neck climbing up and down the ladder. And until I started writing this article, I didn’t have enough sense to hang the wreath feeder lower to the ground! But I think it’s time to change the location in the near future.
Overall, the mechanics of cleaning the metal wreath is also a bit on the tedious side as well. If you take a look at the feeder, you’ll see many spiral metal rungs that can get really dirty from sticky suet balls.
To properly clean this product off, you need to wipe it down with a rag and maybe add a little soap and water for good measure. And make sure to really scrub the rungs well, because the suet is indeed sticky and it can be tough to remove it unless you put some elbow grease into it.
Is it impossible to clean? Nope! But it’s definitely more difficult than most of the other blue jay feeders that I reviewed.
How the Pacific Bird & Supply Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder stacks up in the cleaning & care ratings:
Pacific Bird & Supply Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder FAQs:
What Size Suet Balls Fit Into The Pacific Bird & Supply Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder?
Believe it or not, there’s an intelligent way to guarantee that you get the perfect sized suet balls for this particular bird feeder.
Have you guessed where I’m headed with my answer?
In truth, you could always buy suet balls produced by Pacific Bird & Supply. They offer a wide range of choices including Mealworm + Mixed Nuts Suet Balls, Smorgasbug Suet Balls, Woodpecker Suet Balls, Hot Pepper Suet Balls, and a number of other excellent flavors.
Here’s the other thing:
According to an online seller of this particular suet wreath, they say that the opening can fit suet balls up to 2.25 inches in diameter.
So, if you prefer to buy a different brand, make sure they are 2.25 inches in diameter or smaller. Otherwise, you’ll have to cut them in half to get them to fit inside the bird feeder.
Is It Possible To Use Different Types Of Bird Food Inside The Pacific Bird & Supply Green Ring Feeder?
For the most part, it would be impossible to put bird seeds, cracked corn, mealworms, and other mixed nuts in this particular feeder. The openings between the green rings are too large in almost every case except for one situation.
I have successfully filled this bird feeder with whole peanuts in the past and it worked very well. But you have to fill it with whole peanuts and they must remain in the shell. Otherwise, they’ll fall out of the large opening like the other foods that I mentioned.
So, if you absolutely must use another type of food in this bird feeder, make sure you stick to unsalted roasted or raw whole peanuts in the shell.
Will The Pacific Bird & Supply PB-0108 Blue Jay Feeder Bend or Break If Squirrels Or Other Large Ground Dwelling Animals Jump on Top of It?
This is a great question, because you obviously want to avoid spending your hard-earned money on a bird feeder that’s going to fall apart as soon as a large animal jumps on top of it to get the tasty food inside.
Guess what?
The metal rungs on this green ring feeder are really tough and sturdy, so when squirrels eventually do jump and climb on top of this feeder, it will hold its shape and remain perfectly stabilized the entire time.
Believe it or not, this bird feeder is even strong enough to withstand a larger raccoon jumping on top of it because the metal is very durable and strong.
The biggest issue is when animals jump on top of the bird feeder and knock it down. They aren’t going to break it, but they may dislodge it from its perch from time to time.
Our Final Verdict: Pacific Bird & Supply PB-0108 Suet Ball Feeder
I truly appreciate that you spent a portion of your day reading this detailed and thorough review. I’m glad you made it all the way to the finish line.
That’s pretty awesome in my opinion! Thank you for being here.
Even more important…
I really hope you found this review useful and informative.
And, after reading the review and learning about my experiences, I hope you agree that the Pacific Bird & Supply PB-0108 Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder lives up to the hype and believe it’s the Best Combo Wreath Styled Blue Jay Bird Feeder.
Remember, it’s perfect for suet balls but you can also fill it with whole peanuts – and blue jays love both of these healthy treats!
As I tested this product and analyzed the data, I truly made some interesting discoveries that I shared with you above. To reiterate, some of the most important facts to know include:
- It might not win a beauty contest, but it’s aesthetically pleasing nonetheless
- It is fairly simple to install without too much difficulty
- It looks weaker than it is, but the metal rungs are actually really strong
- It is quite simple to refill the feeder with suet balls and whole peanuts
- It is a bit time-consuming to clean the feeder, but it’s fairly easy and repetitive nevertheless
Do you need to learn about other top-notch and affordable blue jay bird feeders? As I alluded to throughout this article, I also tested and analyzed 9 other similar bird feeders. You can check out my detailed review of all 10 products by visiting here: Best Blue Jay Feeders
Or if you decide to make a different choice…
You’d benefit tremendously by checking out other customer reviews and experiences while learning more about the current price of the Pacific Bird & Supply PB-0108 Green Ring Suet Ball Feeder by clicking now.
Amazon Best Rated Products - Last Updated on 2025-03-27. DISCLAIMER: Some or all of the product links on this page are affiliate links. The operator of this website received a small commission if you purchase products through these links, HOWEVER, there is no added cost to you. These commissions help to fund the operation of this