Pleasing To The Eye With Wonderful Aesthetics, Cardinals & Other Song Birds Will Absolutely Love It!
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Make no bones about it. This is not an industrial-strength bird feeder but it’s far sturdier than it looks. Made of long-lasting cedarwood, it is held together with well-placed and well-hidden screws so it does not mess with the aesthetics of this feeder.
Without question, this is, by far, one of the most unique designs I have ever seen in a bird feeder. I loved it from the moment I saw it. I couldn’t wait for it to be delivered. Shaped like an old-time porch swing, suspended by ropes, I simply couldn’t get enough of this feeder and the way it looked.
With the twin seed compartments uncovered, this platform feeder is easy to fill.
Simply pour the seed into the compartments…
and you’re good to go.
You can even mix and match seed because of the two separate storage compartments. The mesh screen across the bottom of the feeder keeps the seed dry and fresh for all of your cardinal friends. It can hold an impressive two cups of seed.
It also provides a good amount of perching space, allowing for up to ten birds to feed at one time from it.
Solution4Patio Swing Chair Bird Feeder Review Highlights
- Weight: 1.75 pounds
- Dimensions: 15.2 x 7.7 x 8.3 inches
- Mounting: Hanging
- Seed Capacity: 2 cups
- Manufacturer: Solution4Patio
Overall Score
Bottom Line:
Made of cedar, this beautiful crafted swing shaped feeder is a beautiful addition to any backyard. It offers a unique feeding experience for your cardinals on a swing. They look so cute feeding from the open seed trays. You can mix and match your seed in the dual wells with mesh bottoms to allow for proper drainage. Back by a one year warranty, this inexpensive feeder will not disappoint.
What’s Good
- Unique design
- Sturdy build
- Easy to clean
- Easy to refill
- Large capacity
What’s Bad
- Not squirrel proof
- Does not come with a roof
Our Verdict: Solution4Patio Swing Chair Bird Feeder
Every bird lover would absolutely love to see this porch swing-styled bird feeder in their backyard or on their porch. It truly is a marvel to behold with the cardinals perched on it, feeding from the two different feeding compartments.
there is no denying its charm or its beauty in design and artistry.
All you need to do is look at the feeder while your cardinals are feeding from their perches and you’ll be sold in a heartbeat.
Now don’t go thinking that just because it has an artistic design that it isn’t made to last because Solution4Patio has also backed its construction with a one-year warranty on craftsmanship.
If that doesn’t speak to its sturdy construction, I don’t know what would.
With great ventilation by way of wire mesh across the underside of both feeding compartments, rotting seed will not be a concern. With the open faced swing design, this feeder offers some of the best bird viewing of any feeder on the market today.
Related: A Buying Guide To The Best Cardinal Bird Feeders
Our Analysis, Comparisons & Test Results
Whenever I weigh the pros and cons of a feeder, there are view things I consider.
I like to use different factors when I’m comparing the various feeders. I look at the various scores across the different categories and rank them from there.
Now this one scored off the charts in aesthetic appeal. That wasn’t hard to score at all.
While this one might not hold as much seed as others in this group, it more than held its own in appearance. This is one of the most beautiful bird feeders I have ever seen.
The porch swing design is simply a wonder to behold with cardinals feeding from the dual feed compartments. It has a guarantee which means it’s made to last too. With its open construction style, it is easy to both clean and refill. There was nothing to take apart and no fancy mechanism to decipher in order to refill it or to clean the various components.
With ample ventilation through the wire mesh across the underside of the feeder, seed will stay fresh and dry. The manufacturer even backs it with a one-year warranty. That is hard to beat.
Design and Aesthetic Appeal
Without question one of the biggest draws of this feeder is its beautiful appealing design. For me, it brought back so many memories of swinging on a porch swing beside my grandmother watching birds feed on her porch mounted feeders.
- Porch swing design
- Open feeding area for 8 birds to perch
- Twin feeding compartments
- Sturdy wooden construction
The open design of the Solution4Patio’s Swing Chair Bird Feeder is beautiful and inviting to watch the cardinals congregate and feed.
With the gentle swaying motion of the feeder,
suspended by a wire or rope,
cardinals seem so content. It is easy to view the birds with the open seat of the feeder.
The wooden framed porch swing is held together with sturdy screws but…
You wouldn’t know it by looking at it.
The screws are well hidden and do not take away from the wonderful look of this feeder. The white paint makes it stand out against the foliage of my backyard and contrasts so nicely with the bright red of my cardinal friends.
There is not a bad angle to be had watching the birds feed from this bird feeder because of its open design and spacious perching area. This was without question one of my favorite feeders for the wonderful look of it. Simply beautiful.
How the Solution4Patio Swing Chair Bird Feeder stacks up in the design and aesthetic appeal ratings:
Storage Capacity
You wouldn’t know it by looking at the pictures online, but this feeder actually stores quite a bit of seed. Yes, it looks cute and yes that’s one of the selling points but it also doesn’t skimp on the seed capacity.
While it doesn’t hold ten pounds like some of the other feeders I’ve reviewed…
it does hold 3 cups in two different storage bins.
This allows you to mix and match your seed accordingly to keep your bird family coming back for more day after day, year after year. I also think the pictures are misleading as to the size of this feeder. The length of the bench is approximately fifteen inches. This is ample room for ten cardinals to feed.
Storage Features:
- Twin feeding compartments
- 3 cups of seed capacity
- Mix variety of seeds
- Wire mesh along bottom of compartments to keep seeds dry
While it looks quite small in the pictures, the porch swing is just over fifteen inches long. That gives a little more perspective as to the size of the feeding compartments and to the amount of birds which can perch on it at one time.
How the Solution4Patio Swing Chair Bird Feeder stacks up in the storage capacity ratings:
Ease of Cleaning
With the open design of this feeder, cleaning is a breeze. There are no parts to remove to gain access to any part of this feeder. Simply empty the remaining seed and use a soft wire brush to brush any residual seeds remaining.
Once you have brushed and removed all the residual seed, send a rinse with warm water through the mesh and the feed storage areas are clean. As for the swing portion of it, this part is super easy to clean as well. This is painted wood. Warm water and soap will do the trick and keep the bright white finish sparkling year-round.
- Warm water and soap to clean
- No parts to remove
- Seed area open and easy to clean
It might be a little difficult to clean between the slats of the back of the swing because they are pretty close together.
I use warm water and soap and a toothbrush to get those areas clean.
Make sure to really clean between the slats because this is the trouble spot for mold to grow which can not only potentially impact the freshness of your seed but also keep cardinals away. They are notorious for avoiding feeders that are not kept clean.
How the Solution4Patio Swing Chair Bird Feeder stacks up in the ease of cleaning ratings:
Ease of Refilling
With no sealed storage container and no fancy release mechanism, this bird feeder is ideal for refilling. There are no annoying narrow tubes to fill with this one. The seeds are readily available on this platform-style feeder.
The wide expanse of the porch swing design spans over fifteen inches. There is no lid to open either, the seed stored in open containers. This makes it incredibly easy to refill. Any seeds which have started to rot can be easily removed by turning the feeder upside down and tapping on the mesh screen. They will fall out and the compartments can be ready to refill in minutes.
The seed can be replaced in seconds. There are no thin throated tubes to have to target with a stream of seed, watching it all spill out onto the ground, with this one. Because of that there is no worry of spilling seed everywhere while refilling.
Refilling Features:
- No lids to remove
- Ready access to the feed storage compartments
- Twin seed compartments
- Platform style feeder makes it so easy
With the wide berth of the seed compartments you can fill it quickly and easily and get back to watching cardinals feed from this beautiful designed feeder.
How the Solution4Patio Bird Feeder stacks up in the ease of refilling ratings:
Ease of Assembly
There isn’t anything to assemble on this piece. The wooden swing comes already assembled and ready to be placed. It comes together in a single piece, the ropes already threaded through the hand rest of the swing. Once I had it hanging outside my window, it was so beautiful, cardinals coming to it right away.
If there was one complaint I had it would be about the ropes and trying to hang it from the central ring. The biggest issue was to get it balanced while hanging by a suspended rope or wire so the seed stays put and the birds can perch on it. Other than that, once you get it out of the box it is ready to go.
Assembly Facts:
- It comes pre-assembled
- Sturdy cedar construction
- No tools required
- I suspended it from the corner of my porch and it looks beautiful.
Cardinals seem to really love coming to it.
I think with the open design they are not as afraid as with other enclosed feeders with overhangs. They have plenty of space and don’t feel crowded while feeding from this feeder. You’ll be amazed at how many cardinals can perch at one time. You won’t be disappointed in this feeder.
How the Swing Chair Bird Feeder stacks up in the ease of assembly ratings:
Solution4Patio Swing Chair Bird Feeder FAQs
How Does This Feeder Keep the Seed Dry?
The entire underside of both feeding trays are made of a mesh screen to allow water to pass through the seed. With the open-air design, airflow will help keep it dry too. I haven’t had any problems with seed going bad.
How Hard Is This Thing to Put Together?
While it looks complicated and does take a bit of adjusting, it isn’t overly difficult to do. The swing part and feeding reservoirs are a single piece. There are two thin ropes that need to be evenly placed so the swing remains level. Other than that, fill it up, hang it up, and watch.
How Many Birds Can Feed On This Feeder?
It may look small in the pictures but the swing is actually over a foot long. It’s bigger than you think. According to the box it can support up to 10 birds feeding on it. I’ve never had more than five at one time.
Our Final Verdict: Solution4Patio Swing Chair Bird Feeder
While there are bigger feeders, sporting a much larger capacity, there are none more aesthetically pleasing than this one. I was so impressed with the visual appeal of this feeder right out of the box. It was so cute with the porch swing design coupled with the braided ropes to hang it from a wring. It’s beautiful swinging in the breeze as the birds feed on it.
It comes pre-assembled so there are no hard-to-understand instructions and no tools necessary.
So much to like about this feeder:
- Beautiful design
- Twin feed reservoirs
- Pre-assembled
- Sturdy construction
- 1 year warranty
With its open face, the feeder is very easy to clean and fill. The mesh screen on the underside of the feeder makes for great ventilation so your seed stays fresh.
I loved the two reservoirs for seed because as we all know sometimes cardinals can be picky when it comes to seed they love. This way they can have a variety and not get bored coming back to the feeder time and time again.
Another thing I love to see is when companies back their work up. This feeder comes with a 1-year warranty which also instills confidence with me.
Without question, the best part of this feeder is the design. I loved watching my cardinals feed as the feeder gently swayed back and forth with the breeze. I also loved the fact his feeder could stand up to eight cardinals feeding at one time. Seeing them all gather to feed was beautiful.
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