Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath: Complete 2025 Guide

November 5, 2021 // 8 minutes read

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Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Wreath Feeder
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An Inexpensive And Affordable Peanut Wreath Bird Feeder That You’ll Be Happy To Own. It’s Sturdy, Easy To Install, Safe, And Blue Jays and Other Backyard Birds Devour The Tasty Peanuts That It Provides.

Sit back and close your eyes…

What do you see in your imagination?

I like to picture a beautiful wintry day with snow flurries coming down in the background, yet the sun is still beaming brightly against the snow.

Not too far in the distance, you notice a pair of blue jays eating delicious peanuts from the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath that you installed last summer.

And after you soak up this beautiful scene for a little while, you feel so good inside. And you’re really glad that you bought this particular bird feeder, because it truly is Best Value For The Money Blue Jay Feeder on the market right now.

Does this scenario seem real to you? It can be more than just a daydream, I promise.

Right now, I’d like to tell you a lot more about the Songbird Essentials Peanut Feeder Wreath. I’m going to tell you how I tested it along with the 9 other bird feeders. And I’d like to share my results with you as well.

When I performed my test, I analyzed this product based on 5 specific critical categories. They include:

  • Ease of Refilling
  • Durability & Warranty
  • Cleaning & Care
  • Ease of Installation
  • Aesthetics

How did this bird feeder fare during the testing phase? Keep reading to learn the answer to this question and so much more below.

Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Wreath Feeder

Ease of Installation
Durability & Warranty
Ease of Refilling
Cleaning & Care
  • Dimensions: 13 x 13 x 2.75 inches
  • Feeder Type: Wreath Feeder
  • Capacity: 1 1/4 lb of peanuts in shells
  • Material: Metal
  • Brand: Songbird Essentials

Overall Score:


The Bottom Line:

All in all, this is the ideal choice for a whole peanut feeder. It’s so lightweight that it’s very easy to hang up and take down whenever you need to refill it with extra peanuts. It’s incredibly affordable and very inexpensive, and it also seems to attract blue jays because of all the tasty peanuts that it provides.

What’s Good

  • Holds 1 ¼ pounds of peanuts
  • maintains its round shape with no trouble
  • Hangs from a hook, branch, or pole
  • Blue jays love this feeder
  • Refilling is fast and easy

What’s Bad

  • Grackles steal the peanuts
  • Susceptible to squirrels
  • Whole peanuts only

Our Verdict: Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath

Did the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath meet with my approval?

It certainly scored high marks in a number of different categories, and overall, I consider it the Best Value For The Money Blue Jay Feeder.

First off, I personally think it’s attractive and aesthetically pleasing. It isn’t the most beautiful bird feeder I’ve ever seen, but after it’s hung up and packed with peanuts it looks really nice.

Even more important, I know that blue jays and other backyard birds think it looks amazing! They can’t wait to get their grubby little beaks on those tasty peanuts.

Next, it’s also very simple to install. It’s lightweight and there is already a hook built into the overall design. All you have to do is hook it to a branch, a pole, or another sturdy structure that protrudes out far enough to hang the hook from it.

Third, even though it looks thin and kind of shabby, it’s actually really sturdy and strong. It’s made of thick metal, so it’s particularly durable and it can withstand the added weight of squirrels, raccoons, songbirds, owls, and other animals jumping on top of it.

I also think this bird feeder is easy enough to refill, although it can get a bit challenging at times in the beginning. But after refilling it a few times, I promise you’ll be an old pro after a while and you’ll hardly believe that you ever found it difficult in a couple of months.

Finally, I also believe that this peanut wreath feeder is really easy to clean. It takes a little bit of time and care, but ultimately you can wipe it down in a few minutes. It shouldn’t take much longer than that.

Overall, the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder is made of high-quality material and you can pick it up for a steal because the price is so affordable.

Are you looking for more Blue Jay bird feeder options? Click the button below to check out our comprehensive review of top 10 favorites.

Our Analysis, Comparisons & Test Results

Before I get into the gritty details…

I think it’s important for you to know that I tested this product along with 9 other blue jay feeders and did so consecutively for 20 weeks. Each product was tested for 2 weeks, where I analyzed the results, made comparisons, and ultimately decided where each bird feeder landed on the usability hierarchy.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I tested these bird feeders based on 5 critical categories. During the two weeks that I tested each product, I made sure to see how it stacked up in each category personally and when compared to the other products.

The results are very interesting in my opinion. I hope you will end up sharing my belief.

If you’re curious, keep reading to find out how I believe the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath stacked up against the other products that I recently reviewed.


From an Aesthetics point of view, I gave this product an average score of 70 out of 100.

As you can imagine, this silver peanut wreath feeder isn’t necessarily the most attractive thing you’ve ever seen. But after you fill it up with peanuts and hang up the wreath, its charming beauty begins to shine through and many people think it looks good from this perspective.

I happen to be one of them.

For better context, the Woodlink Deluxe Cedar Bird Feeder received a 100 out of 100 total score. To me, the Woodlink feeder has it all from an aesthetics standpoint.

It’s made of beige colored inland red cedar, it has a beautiful symmetrical design, it’s an attractive hopper that looks even better when it’s filled with mixed seeds and other tasty goodies, and in my opinion it’s one of the nicest looking bird feeders you’ll ever see.

On the other side the scale, I gave the Amish Poly Ground Bird Feeder Tray a 50 out of 100 score. This feeder is incredibly functional but it’s nothing more than a glorified miniature trough. And in my expert opinion, it doesn’t really have the prettiest design in the world to say the least.

Ultimately though, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You may love the way the Amish tray feeder looks and despise the cedar Woodlink feeder.

That’s why it’s difficult to judge beauty because it really is subjective.

How the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder stacks up in the aesthetics ratings:

Woodlink Deluxe Cedar Bird Feeder with Suet Cages
The Squirrel Shop Picnic Table Platform Feeder
Nature’s Way Cedar Hopper Bird Feeder with Suet
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath
Pacific Bird & Supply Ring Suet Ball Feeder
JCs Wildlife Large Poly Hopper Bird Feeder
Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder
Nature’s Way Hanging Platform Feeder
Seed Saver Domed Feeder
Amish Poly Ground Bird Feeder Tray

Ease of Installation

For the category Ease of Installation, I awarded the Songbird Essentials Wreath Feeder with an above average score of 80 out of 100. Although it’s above average in one regard, it’s also the same score that I gave to 7 other products.

Why did I rank it so highly?

This product deserves its ranking, that’s why!

As I said, I tested each of these products for two weeks before moving onto the next bird feeder. And I can tell you that I personally had no trouble hanging this wreath feeder up on a hook and it only took a few minutes to complete the job from start to finish.

Should I have given it a worse score for no reason? Of course not! That wouldn’t be fair to you, me, the manufacturer, and my other readers.

I really believe this is one of the easiest bird feeders to install. It’s lightweight, easy to maneuver, and it only holds 1 ¼ pounds of peanuts, so even if it’s full it’s still very lightweight and easy to carry even if you have to carry it up a ladder.

Now do you get it? I hope so.

How the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Wreath Feeder stacks up in the ease of installation ratings:

Amish Poly Ground Bird Feeder Tray
Nature’s Way Cedar Hopper Bird Feeder with Suet
Woodlink Deluxe Cedar Bird Feeder with Suet Cages
Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder
Nature’s Way Hanging Platform Feeder
The Squirrel Shop Picnic Table Platform Feeder
Seed Saver Domed Feeder
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath
Pacific Bird & Supply Ring Suet Ball Feeder
JCs Wildlife Large Poly Hopper Bird Feeder

Durability & Warranty

I have no problem telling you that I gave this bird feeder a score of 80 out of 100 for durability.

In this category, I also awarded a perfect 100 out of 100 to the Nature’s Way Cedar Hopper Bird Feeder with Suet.

Why did I give it a perfect score?

The materials obviously played a huge role in choosing this product as my overall favorite for durability. And you may or may not know this, but cedar wood is naturally resistant to rot and insects, so this feeder is going to last a long time. And the added rust-free hardware certainly didn’t hurt either.


Even though it didn’t receive a perfect score, I feel really good about giving the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath an 80 out of 100.


It might not be the sturdiest looking peanut wreath in the world, but I am happy to say that looks can be deceiving.

If you pay close attention to the pictures, you’ll see that this bird feeder is made of very thick metal wires. I mean these wires are so thick that they are extremely difficult to bend unless you intentionally go out of your way to break them.

So, when a squirrel jumps on this wreath in the middle of the day or a raccoon tries to steal peanuts from it at night, you’ll quickly see that it’s strong enough to withstand the additional weight and pressure put forth by these animals.

And if you ask me, that’s certainly a good enough reason to give it an above average score in this category in my opinion.

And one last thing…

Unfortunately, the Songbird Essentials website is lacking content, so I wasn’t capable of determining whether or not they offer their customers a warranty.

How the Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath stacks up in the durability & warranty ratings:

Nature’s Way Cedar Hopper Bird Feeder with Suet
JCs Wildlife Large Poly Hopper Bird Feeder
Woodlink Deluxe Cedar Bird Feeder with Suet Cages
Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder
Nature’s Way Hanging Platform Feeder
Seed Saver Domed Feeder
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath
Pacific Bird & Supply Ring Suet Ball Feeder
Amish Poly Ground Bird Feeder Tray
The Squirrel Shop Picnic Table Platform Feeder

Ease of Refilling

Try not to get too upset by this rating and score, but I unfortunately gave the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath a score of 60 out of 100. This puts it in a tie for last place with the Pacific Bird & Supply PB-0108 Green Ring Suet Feeder.

And it makes sense that they were both tied for last, because both of these bird feeders are very similar to one another in design.

But why last place?

Well, I knocked off 4 points from the overall score for two very specific reasons.

First, the design structure means you must unhook it at the top to stretch it out to open the holes at the ends of the feeder. Doing so will make it much easier to add a new batch of whole peanuts.

Unhooking it and then hooking it back up again after it’s filled can become very frustrating. Some people have a difficult time reconnecting the two pieces of the bird feeder together to make it circular again so that it looks like a wreath.

And as you can imagine…

The bird feeder becomes completely useless if you cannot reconnect both sides. Otherwise, the bird food will just fall out of both ends and spill to the floor for the squirrels to eat!

Next, I also knocked off points because of the overall refilling process itself. The open ends of this bird feeder are not very large.

Think about it…

Say you have a really large scoop of whole shelled peanuts that you’d like to dump into the bird feeder after you open up the ends. You attempt to scoop the peanuts into the feeder and they spill all over the floor because the opening isn’t wide enough to accommodate the large scoop.

You’ll either need to refill this feeder using a very small scoop many times in a row, or you can attempt to use a bigger scoop and likely make a mess all over the floor at the same time!

How the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Wreath Feeder stacks up in the ease of refilling ratings:

Amish Poly Ground Bird Feeder Tray
Woodlink Deluxe Cedar Bird Feeder with Suet Cages
Nature’s Way Hanging Platform Feeder
The Squirrel Shop Picnic Table Platform Feeder
Seed Saver Domed Feeder
Nature’s Way Cedar Hopper Bird Feeder with Suet
Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder
JCs Wildlife Large Poly Hopper Bird Feeder
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath
Pacific Bird & Supply Ring Suet Ball Feeder

Cleaning & Care

This may sound worrisome on the surface, but you should not feel distressed because the Songbirds Essential Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath is tied for the lowest score in this category, which effectively puts it in last place.

With that said, I did give this peanut wreath feeder a score of 70 out of 100. This score ties with the score that I gave the Pacific Bird & Supply Green Ring Suet Feeder.

Why did I give it the worst score?

First off, let me just remind you that I gave it a 70 out of 100 rating, which is far from terrible on a scale from 1 to 10. So, make sure you remember this to keep things in perspective.


I purposely lowered the score by a few points because of the overall design of this peanut wreath feeder.

If you pay attention, you’ll see that this feeder is made up of a series of thick metal wires. As you can imagine, this isn’t the easiest thing to wipe down and keep clean.

Cleaning it off and wiping it down definitely requires a bit of patience and willingness to go the extra mile to make sure the entire feeder is cleaned from top to bottom by wiping down every single wire.

Again, this feeder came in last place, but it’s still pretty easy to keep clean and cared for as long as you’re willing to spend a few minutes every few days wiping it down.

How the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Wreath Feeder stacks up in the cleaning & care ratings:

Amish Poly Ground Bird Feeder Tray
JCs Wildlife Large Poly Hopper Bird Feeder
Woodlink Deluxe Cedar Bird Feeder with Suet Cages
Birds Choice Whole Peanut Blue Jay Feeder
Seed Saver Domed Feeder
Nature’s Way Cedar Hopper Bird Feeder with Suet
Nature’s Way Hanging Platform Feeder
The Squirrel Shop Picnic Table Platform Feeder
Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath
Pacific Bird & Supply Ring Suet Ball Feeder

Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath FAQs:

How Many Pounds Of Peanuts Fit Inside The Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath?

Here’s the deal:

The wreath itself fits a maximum of 1 ¼ pounds of whole peanuts. So, it doesn’t fit very many peanuts in the grand scheme of things.

How so?

Blue jays absolutely adore eating peanuts. Even though 1 ¼ pounds might sound like a lot, these backyard birds are going to gobble them up very quickly so they will run out fast.

It’s really fun watching blue jays fly toward this feeder in an effort to pick up and devour its tasty contents. With that said, it’s always best to keep lots of whole peanuts on hand to make sure you have plenty available to keep this feeder full.

Otherwise, you’re going to miss out on the beautiful spectacle of watching the gorgeous blue jays enjoying tasty whole peanuts right in your backyard.

Will The Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath Continue To Maintain Its Round Shape?

Like many, you’re obviously wondering if this feeder will be able to maintain its round wreath -like shape after months or years of use.

I’ve only owned this feeder for a short while, so I cannot answer definitively from my personal experience. But…

I’ve read reviews and testimonials from many other customers on a wide array of websites. And I can confidently tell you that after years of use, the construction of this round wreath feeder will remain intact.

In fact, many reviewers talked about how sturdy and durable it is. They said that red, gray, brown, and black squirrels would jump on top of the feeder and it would still maintain its shape even with their additional weight on top of it.

Is It Possible To Fill The Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath With Unshelled Peanuts?

In truth, it’s going to be impossible to fill this peanut wreath with unshelled peanuts. The unshelled nuts are way too small for the metal rings, so as soon as you dump them inside of the hole they will immediately fall out.

If you absolutely must put unshelled nuts in this feeder, you may want to try adding larger nuts like walnuts, Brazil nuts, or any other larger nuts that you may come across.

Otherwise, you should stick to the directions and only use shelled whole peanuts. The feeder was specifically designed for shelled peanuts, so they’re going to fit inside the wreath the best and they will also stay packed inside the most effectively since the feeder was designed for them.

Our Final Verdict: Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath

We’ve finally come to the end of the road on our journey together learning about the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath. I’m a big fan personally because I feel it’s a Best Value For The Money Blue Jay Feeder, which means it’s inexpensive and effective.

After testing this product and 9 more, I can safely say that it’s an excellent blue jay bird feeder for anyone looking to feed their favorite backyard birds with whole peanuts.

During my evaluation, I discovered some very interesting results about this product. The most important things you need to know about it include:

  • It functions perfectly and it’s mildly aesthetically pleasing
  • It was designed with an attached hook, which makes it easy to install
  • It’s made of thick metal and more durable than meets the eye
  • It isn’t the easiest bird feeder to refill, but it gets easier with practice
  • It’s harder to clean than other bird feeders, yet you can still clean it within a matter of minutes
  • It’s very inexpensive when compared to other bird feeders

Are you still clamoring for additional information about a wide array of effective and affordable blue jay bird feeders?

Thankfully, I’m in a position to help you along with your search. As I’ve referenced a few times throughout this article, I’ve reviewed 9 other bird feeders and compiled information about all of them into one valuable reference article. You can find this article here: Best Blue Jay Feeders

Or if you’d prefer to go our different route…

You might as well visit the sales page to discover many wonderful testimonials and reviews from previous customers – both positive and negative – to see what others thought about the Songbird Essentials Whole Peanut Feeder Wreath. You’ll also discover the price instantly as soon as you click the link immediately after this paragraph.

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