- Nighttime Ritual: Common Cardinal Nesting Places At Night
- Material Facts: The Materials Cardinals Use
- Where Do Cardinals Nest At Night: The Ideal Look Of A Cardinal’s Nest
- No Entry: Why Cardinals Prefer To Avoid Birdhouses
- Appropriate Habitat: DIY Nesting Shelves Are A Much Better Choice For Cardinals
- Helpful Habits: Will Cardinals Nest In The Same Location Each Year?
- The Last Word On Where Do Cardinals Nest At Night
- Final Thoughts On Cardinal Nesting
Are you curious to find out “Where do cardinals sleep at night?” They have very specific nighttime nesting preferences that you’re about to learn. Keep reading to discover the truth of the matter.
Cardinals like remaining hidden and protected while sleeping at night. They build their nests in spots that are well hidden, including tangled vines, branches, dogwood, shrubs, blackberry brambles, and saplings. Cardinals keep their nests 1-15 feet off of the ground and prefer nesting in low foliage.

Many people are convinced that cardinals will nest in birdhouses, but this certainly isn’t true. They prefer sticking to the types of nesting spaces mentioned above.
To find out more about cardinal nesting habits and nesting sites that they’d rather avoid, please continue below to learn more about this important topic.
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Nighttime Ritual: Common Cardinal Nesting Places At Night
As you can imagine, some nesting places are a lot more appropriate for cardinals than others. It shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that they dislike being too low to the ground because this leaves them vulnerable to predators. They also do not like being too high off the ground because they want easy access to food and water sources.
For the most part, cardinals will build their nests in spots that are very well hidden and off the beaten path whenever possible. They do not want predators or human beings disturbing their nests when mother cardinals are waiting for their baby cardinals to hatch.
Typically, cardinal nests are tucked away in places that human beings and other potential threats will barely notice. You may find a cardinal nest on top of a forked branch somewhat high up in a tree. Or, a cardinal nest that’s typically lower to the ground will be nestled snugly within the midst of shrubs or tangled vines.
In many cases, cardinal enthusiasts can find their nests hidden within blackberry brambles, in saplings, dogwood trees, and other well-hidden spaces.
Homeowners attempting to attract cardinals to their backyard for nesting purposes should put out bird feeders, DIY nesting shelves, and a water source.
Make sure to keep these attractions away from harsh chemicals, reflective surfaces, and low-hanging areas easily accessible by predators. These potential missteps will defeat the purpose and, unfortunately, keep cardinals away during nesting season.
Material Facts: The Materials Cardinals Use
Northern cardinals like to use very specific materials when building their nests. In particular, they like to stick with all-natural resources to get the job done.

More often than not, you’ll see male and female cardinals working together to build their nest properly. They will use the best available natural materials that include:
- Twigs
- Rootlets
- Strips of Bark
- Pine Needles
- Grass Clippings
- Shrubbery
- Leaves
- Weeds
- Other Natural Ingredients
When cardinals tend to place the nest higher in the air, it will build it in denser tangles. The cardinal does this to prevent predators from easily accessing or attacking the nest while eggs are being prepared to hatch.
For the most part, male cardinals will gather the material used to build the nest. But they aren’t the ones to typically build it. The female cardinal usually takes care of the majority of the building, which is a fun fact.
Where Do Cardinals Nest At Night: The Ideal Look Of A Cardinal’s Nest

A cardinal nest isn’t thrown together in any old pattern or style. As a matter of fact, the female cardinal takes great pains to create the ultimate cardinal nest for her young ones that are just born or about to be born.
What does a cardinal nest look like? The ideal cardinal nest typically looks very similar to a small cup. But this cup is made of natural material, including bark strips, roots, twigs, vines, leaves, shrubbery, grass clippings, pine needles, and much more.
Even more important, the interior lining is made of material that differs from the material used to create the base of the nest. In fact, the cardinals like to use soft material for the interior of the nest to provide extra comfort for their baby cardinals and themselves.
Usually, the soft material used to line the interior of a cardinal’s bird nest includes hair, leaves, and grass. These soft materials provide extra care and comfort for baby cardinal chicks as they begin to grow into full-blown birds.
No Entry: Why Cardinals Prefer To Avoid Birdhouses
Many people would love to set up nest boxes in an effort to attract cardinals to their backyard. They would love to watch cardinals nest in their nesting box and record the entire process for all to see. Unfortunately, this isn’t a possibility when it comes to cardinals.
According to, “Cardinals are one of the few perching birds that will not use a traditional nest box or birdhouse. They prefer dense shrub and vine thickets for shelter and nesting.”
Cardinals don’t like living or sleeping inside enclosed spaces. They prefer open nests in trees, shrubs, or thickets.
All hope isn’t lost if you’d like to provide nesting space for cardinals in your front yard or backyard. You could always create a DIY nesting shelf or purchase a cardinal nesting shelf from your favorite online retailer.
Appropriate Habitat: DIY Nesting Shelves Are A Much Better Choice For Cardinals
As mentioned earlier, cardinals prefer sleeping and wide-open spaces at night and they like having their nests open yet protected.
If you were to attempt to create a nesting space for cardinals in your backyard, your best option would be a DIY nesting shelf.
How so?
For one thing, cardinals do not necessarily sleep all night long like a human might. They actually like to fly around and visit bird feeders late in the evening or early in the morning.
An example birdhouse DIY nesting shelf consists of a large metal bucket and other materials. To build one yourself, follow these instructions:
- Acquire an old metal bucket – the larger, the better – and thoroughly clean it out on the inside and outside. Don’t worry about how the metal bucket looks because you don’t want to paint it or use harsh chemicals because this will deter the cardinals from using it.
- Prepare the metal bucket to hang. You can screw the metal bucket directly into a tree or a wooden hanging column on your porch. Or, you can nail it to a wooden surface if you prefer this method instead of using screws.
- Hang up the metal bucket. Put it in a location that backyard cardinals will easily see, but avoid putting it too high up in the air or too close to the ground. Place the bucket 5-15 feet off the ground or somewhere in between.
- Fill the nesting shelf with twigs, shrubs, grass, bark, brambles, and other natural material. The cardinals will use this readily available material to build a beautiful nest inside of your nesting shelf/bucket.
Helpful Habits: Will Cardinals Nest In The Same Location Each Year?
Inquiring minds want to know if cardinals are willing to nest in the same place each year. The answer is yes and no. Let me explain.
If a cardinal had a particular nesting place that they used in the previous year, they will definitely come back to this place if they had a good experience the year prior. So, cardinals do revisit the same locations year after year for nesting.
Here’s where things get interesting:
Cardinals will not reuse their nest from the year prior. And they will not build a nest in the exact same location as their prior nest.
They’ll choose a location in the vicinity of their old nest, and they will start from scratch rebuilding their new nest in the same overall territory but definitely not the same location as the previous year’s nest.
The Last Word On Where Do Cardinals Nest At Night

It shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that cardinals like to stick to familiar territories that they feel comfortable with. They will nest in their bird’s nest at night to keep their chicks safe, warm, healthy, and protected from possible predators that would do them harm.
As you’ve already discovered, I shared a tremendous amount of information about cardinal nesting habits, building nests, materials used, and much more. It’s a lot to take in and it’s possible that you’ve already forgotten some of the valuable info that was shared today.
Final Thoughts On Cardinal Nesting
To help refresh your memory, a quick summary in the rundown of important cardinal nesting information includes the following:
- Cardinals like to stick to specific nesting places that they feel comfortable in. Their food nesting places are in well-hated locations in brambles, four to three branches, shrubs, saplings, dogwood trees, and places that are invisible to predators.
- Male and female cardinals are definitely willing to nest in the same location year after year. But they will not reuse a nest from the prior year. They will build a new nest as soon as they reenter the territory during nesting season.
- Homeowners can build DIY nesting shelves for cardinals and their front yard or backyard. Cardinals do not like living in birdhouses or nesting boxes. A DIY shelf or flat surface is more than sufficient to meet a cardinal’s needs.
- After completion, a cardinal’s nest will look like a perfectly round cup on the inside. Male cardinals gather the materials for the nest, and females take care of the bulk of the building. The outer nest is made up of thicker branches, twigs, and needles. The interior of the nest is made up of soft materials like hair, leaves, and grass.
- When building their nest, female and male cardinals use very specific materials to get the job done. They tend to use weeds, leaves, grass clippings, and hair for the interior of the last because this is soft and comfortable material. The outer nest is made up of pine needles, bark strips, rootlets, twigs, and branches because these materials are strong and sturdy, and they’ll last throughout the season.
Now you know and understand where cardinals nest at night. Hopefully, this information helps you learn a lot more about cardinal habits, preferences, and experiences.
If you have more information about cardinal nesting habits, please let us know in the comments. Thanks for reading!